Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Playground of all Playgrounds

On Monday, Warren and I took the kids to the children's playground in Golden Gate Park. This playground was originally built in 1887 and was the first public playground in America. It is by far the coolest playground we have ever seen. In addition to the normal swings and slides and various climbing structures, there are old school merry go rounds, tire swings, crazy glider swings, hamster wheel like swings, huge twisty slides, long wide metal slides, and best of all forty foot tall concrete slides.

At the bottom of the concrete slides is a pile of cardboard scraps for the ultimate ride. Satchel was initiated into the cardboard sliding phenomenon on the bluffs at the 4th of July riverfront fireworks, so he knew exactly what to do. He was a bit apprehensive at first and went down on Warren's lap the first few times. I had hoped that Jiro would watch quietly from the sidelines, but the minute he saw Satchel go down on his own, he picked up a piece of cardboard and started scaling the steps.

I had already almost puked watching the boys scale Bernal Heights earlier that day and then again when they mounted a wall of rocks along the beach. I looked at Warren with my Please stop my baby from being so big look. He suggested putting Jiro on halfway up the slide at the first curve as a sort of happy medium.

It worked.

For about five minutes.

Before I knew it, my two little z-boys were expertly sliding down on their cardboard, high-fiving their dad and saying things like, "Wicked!"


Stephanie said...

That sounds like the coolest playground ever! There's no doubt my little bundle of testosterone would have enjoyed the concrete slide with your boys. I'm glad to we get to vicariously enjoy your vacation!

Lone Star Ma said...

You are so much better a Mommy than I...I'd be the one dragging my baby away screaming. You rule.

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