Wednesday, February 01, 2006


So yesterday I invited myself and my two children over to my friend Kristy's house for dinner. Kristy works full-time like I do, has three children, and is 20+ weeks pregnant. Does that make me pathetic?

Last week I was all gung-ho about "re-learning" how to cook. I planned out a couple of meals and they actually turned out okay. I made cookies...twice. The first time the batter was too runny and the second time it was too thick, but both times they tasted good. I even made Dream Bars, which involved preparing three separate layers.

I must have, uh, blown my wad, because this week I don't feel like cooking anything. I've been doing an excellent job of reheating leftovers as well as preparing boxed, canned, and frozen goods. Oddly, I am enjoying watching the refridgerator become emptier and emptier. (When Warren is home, it is seriously busting with leftovers.)

But seriously, we probably have enough food in our pantry to survive nuclear winter. Maybe this is all some unconscious "cleansing" on my part. An "Out with the old, in with the new" kind of thing.

Inspired by the Vegan Lunch Box blog, I requested Laptop Lunch Boxes from Hanukah Harry. I have been too scared to actually use the lunchboxes (Jennifer Shmoo is a hard act to follow), but I diligently read the book that came with them and re-dedicated myself to living up to Ruth Yaron's ideals.

Not that I plan to clean my garbage can in the tub or wear protective gear when using my microwave or blender, but I do plan on reading more food labels and limiting my family's consumption of treats like high fructose corn syrup and blue food coloring.

I somehow went from someone who never bought a jar of baby food to a person who relied on snack size everything. Once Satchel started school, joined the Spider-man posse, and started requesting cheetoes & juice boxes on a daily basis (to fit in at snack time), I slacked off. Before I knew it, Jiro was eating cheetoes and drinking juice too. Satchel didn't even know what juice was until he was almost two.

I know you are thinking Is this the same woman who's been bragging about her kids' love of seaweed? Thanks to Warren, the kids aren't completely ruined.

I've been on both ends of the spectrum now--a little too strict and a little too lenient. I'm searching for that happy medium.

The reason I started this food talk was to relate the following anecdote. After dinner Kristy told me that she has been discussing marriage with her three-year-old daughter. "Once we determined that she couldn't marry her daddy or one of her brothers, I asked her who she wanted to marry," Kristy told me.

When her daughter came up blank, Kristy suggested that she marry Satchel.

"I can't marry Satchel, she said. "He's a superhero!"

I loved that.


Lone Star Ma said...

I am so right there with you on the nutrition thing. Except we don't have a Warren.

Anonymous said...

Well, and can I say thet *she* initiated the discussion of who she will marry. I'm not, like, trying to prepare her for a life of womanly duty. ;-)

After the first kid it's just so hard not to let things slide. I just pick one key thing, like I hate Cheetos and think they are the nastiest epitome of junky junk food. But OMG, Calvin broke me down until I started buying those horrid frozen round PB&J sandwiches for his lunch. And damn, they're so easy to throw in the lunchbox at 6:30 am!

Anonymous said...

Cheetos are a gift from the CREATOR (the creator of unnaturally orange substances that hook into our animal brain and make us eat until there is nothing left). I'm so glad I live so far from anything. It really is work to hop in my car and try to satisfy any cravings I might have.

I use Cheetos to bribe my child on occasion. The kid won't eat chocolate, but I think she would jump through a flaming hoop for a Cheeto.

Hey, I'm looking into buying a yogurt maker, speaking of living healthy and making your own food. I bet I can make Cheeto-flavored yogurt.

Lone Star Ma said...

Don't dis my frozen little PB&Js. I freakin' loved packing those things in the child's lunch. I stopped packing PB when a family with severe peanut allergies started at her school, though - I know how messy she is and I am afraid we could kill them. I really miss those things, though!

Stephanie said...

The little round cheese sandwiches are good too- because I'm too lazy to make an actual grilled cheese! But instead of Cheetos, my 2-year-old eats Tobasco-flavored Cheez-Its. He even requests them for breakfast! I'm embarassed to say I got to this point before even having a second child.

Satchel is definitely too much for a girl who is a mere mortal.

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