They also have a poll "Should the Memphis Zoo have uprooted more than 100 trees to make way for a new exhibit?" At last count, 93 people voted yes and 91 people voted no.
Today's Flyer also features a story on the Zoo's expansion (pg. 9).
Some people seem to be asking, "What's the big deal?" or thinking, "The damage is done."
Well, the big deal is that the Zoo has 17 more acres (in green, below, courtesy of Gates of Memphis) of Old Forest on its property. As of now, there is a very loose plan to create a "Chickasaw Bluffs" exhibit on this site.
However, the Zoo's master plan is being re-evaluated/re-designed in the near future. Without neighborhood and community input, this could mean that even more of the irreplaceable Old Forest will be destroyed in order to create artificial habitats.

Or it means that we could demand that the Zoo return the 17 acres of Old Forest to the citizens of Memphis. If the Zoo is serious about a Chickasaw Bluffs exhibit, they should fund signage and other no-impact improvements for the entire Old Forest for people to enjoy free of charge.
If you look at an old map of Overton Park, you can see that the entire Zoo site was once Old Forest. After years and years of slowly chipping away at it, there is no reason to trust that the Zoo will not continue to do so until there is no Old Forest left.

To see the area that I am talking about firsthand, come to the Old Forest hike this Saturday, March 8th at 10:00a.m. Meet at the entrance adjacent to Rainbow Lake.
And no, you don't have to be a "hippie" or a "treehugger" to come!
Excellent post. I agree on most every point (and I love the zoo). I especially was impressed by your maps and actual information (something that the CA piece lacked.)
I do wonder about the zoo's funding. Is it possible to get money from a quasi private/public organization such as the zoo and use it in the old forest? I don't think it would take much of the $10 million donated for the Teton to put a few signs up ... although I sort of like the low-key approach that currently exists.
And at some point, I'd like to pick your brain about another OP topic. Off leash dogs ....
"this could mean that even more of the irreplaceable Old Forest will be destroyed in order to create artificial habitats."
Says it all.
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