Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Both monkeys have really been into drawing lately. They are producing masterpieces at an alarming rate! I decided to digitize some of their offerings for posterity.

Jiro is clearly influenced by Hamlett Dobbins. I couldn't be more thrilled.

He has an eye for color and almost always uses as much of it as possible. (His art teacher at school showed me a painting he did that appears to be a giant black smudge, but she said he meticulously used every single color available to him.)

On occasion he strays from his abstract comfort zone and mimics the work of his brother.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Satchel is influenced by...his toys. Clearly he likes looking at things and then recreating them on paper. He also likes to do google searches for some of his favorite characters and draw them from the screen.

I love his style, but he is a perfectionist like his dad. If he doesn't get every detail just right, he is likely to start from scratch. (Or whine until either Warren or I draws it for him.) Also he is very literal. Grass must be green, clouds white, etc.

I especially like it when he draws elaborate scenes from movies, his dreams, or his imagination.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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