Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Growing up with the Internet

It is really interesting to me how Satchel & Jiro completely take the Internet for granted. I mean, sure, we all do, but I think "grown-ups" have some appreciation for the fact that it is AMAZING! For Satchel and Jiro, the Internet just is.

Want to look at a toy? Turn on the computer! Want to play a game featuring your favorite TV show dude? Turn on the computer! You can find anything on the computer. That's just the way it is.

Satchel has been very serious about drawing the past few weeks. When he comes home from school, he plops down at the coffee table and gets to work. At first he drew his toys. Then he started drawing toys he wanted (by googling them on the computer). Now he's drawing characters from TV (by pausing the show at the right spot).

Sometimes he can't get a good TV image of what he wants to draw, so he goes back to the computer. He completely understands how to use the Google box on the toolbar and how to then do an image search only. However, as his characters get more and more obscure (i.e. Swindle from Transformers Animated), I have to help.

Locating a good photo of some characters involves some investigation. Warren was helping Satchel look for Bowser (after a few searches for Mario and Luigi) when he decided it would be funny to do an image search of "Satchel and Jiro". The results were rather stunning!!

I'm still not sure what to make of it.

Is it COOL or is it SCARY???

Well, Satchel certainly thought it was cool.


Stephanie said...

It looks like this should have been titled "Growing up ON the Internet."

Stacey Greenberg said...

if only you could retitle my CA columns too!

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