Our realtor tried to tell us it was a really expensive piece, but it's just a replica of a really expensive piece. (It sells at Lowe's for about $200 and is now listed on Craig's List for $75 if you want it!) There wasn't really anything wrong with it; it just wasn't us.
When we heard that our friend, Caleb, was not only a talented musician, but a talented woodworker, we enlisted his help. (Coincidentally, he had just purchased the flooring from the now defunct Skateland on Summer!)
After hours and hours of discussion, Warren and I finally decided that we wanted our bathroom to look something like this:

Caleb got to work while we continued to debate over the mirror, sink and faucet...
We made some adjustments along the way due to ill-placed wall studs, 50+ pound monkeys who like to climb on vanities, and random fits of indecision.
We are thrilled with the way everything came together. Caleb did an absolutely top notch job on the vanity & matching medicine cabinet. As goofy as this sounds, I love going to the bathroom now!
1 comment:
I absolutely love this. Love it. I have always wanted a huge, extra wide sink in my bathroom, but in my current bathroom there just isn't room. One day!
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