Friday, February 20, 2009

World Music at Evergreen

A few months ago, I took the monkeys and their friend, JP, to GPAC for the Peanut Butter & Jam session on World Music. Satchel had gotten it into his head that we were going to eat breakfast so he was disappointed and refused to pay attention to the show. Jiro and JP followed suit. However, I know a good thing when I see it.

I found the performers--Sean, Anne, and Jason--on Facebook and started chatting with them. Originally, I wanted to get them to a Rock-n-Romp, but after meeting with them and learning about all of the cool things they can do, we decided to do a music program at the kids' school.

Today, Sean, Anne, and Jason came to the school to perform. Next week they will come back and lead an instrument making workshops with each class. (The primary kids are making maracas and the elementary kids have a choice of rainsticks or guiros.) Then a week from tomorrow, parents and students will get together with Sean, Anne, and Jason to build an amadinda for the outdoor environment. (The amadinda is the wooden xylophone-like instrument near the end of the pics.)

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

The kids were all really excited about the show and had a great time singing, dancing, and checking out all of the cool instruments that they brought. I was really excited that everything turned out so well. I can't wait until next week!

To learn more about Sean, Anne, and Jason, check out their website: Being:Art.

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