Sunday, February 21, 2010


Satchel's class went on a hike in Overton Park in early January. On the hike, one of his classmates found a really cool stick. (Imagine that, right?) The thing that made the stick really cool--its sharp end--also made it unacceptable to bring back to school. So, Satchel, who really wanted the stick, waited for his classmate to discard it. Then he picked it up and hid it along the trail.

He's been talking about this stick for weeks.


We've been to the trails several times, but the only time we made it to the section where he hid it, there was ice and snow, so he couldn't find it. Today, he found it. And he was SO excited. (Look at that smirk.) I was really impressed with his ability to remember the exact spot where he put it.

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