Warren, Satchel, Will and I went to the yummy Tacqueria Garibaldi on Summer (more about that later). I snapped this picture to send to Will's mom. She responded that she could already imagine what they'd be like in college!
Meanwhile, Enrique and Santi's dad sent me this picture. Jiro was dining at one of my all time favorite places, the Memphis Pizza Cafe. The message said that Jiro couldn't get a word in edgewise because Enrique was so excited to have him all to himself. I think it was good for them to have a night apart, but man, I sure do miss that Jiro when he isn't around.
After dinner we went to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, which was actually really cute. Ok, maybe cute isn't the right word. It was funny, original, and highly entertaining. It was fine for Satchel and Will, who have seen their share of movies with fake violence. Not sure Jiro would have liked it due to the drawn out story line and multiple kissing scenes.
The next morning, Warren had Kendo, so Satchel, Will and I went to the Farmer's Market. When we got there, Will asked, "Can we do whatever we want?" which actually translated to, "Can we go see the dogs?" so I said yes. I was happy to do the shopping on my own. They later caught up with me and I suggested that they go get a bagel or something since I wasn't finished.
When I was done, I found them sitting on a bench, happily munching away. "Want some decaf coffee?" Satchel asked me. They thought they were hot stuff after pulling off that decaf coffee order.
After shopping, we went home for a bit and then it was off to the Shell to set up for the Rock-n-Romp. We were there about two minutes before Satchel came over sobbing. He jumped out of a tree and hurt his arm. I thought for sure we were going to spend the afternoon in the E.R., but once he calmed down and I inspected his arm, it didn't seem too major.
However, he spent the rest of the afternoon moping and showing no interest in playing with all of his best buddies who were there. Couple (triple?) that with the extreme heat and the low energy of his brother, who stayed up extra late, and well, it wasn't my favorite Rock-n-Romp ever.
BUT I will say that the show was still a pretty big success. We had almost 600 people show up and all of the bands were really amazing. Read Chip's review that includes his awesome pictures here.
Sunday was a much better day. We spent it with our buddies the Smiths and it included dim sum, swimming at the JCC, and YoLo!
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