The Ninjas had a great day and won 11-5.

There was no way I was missing the finals! The fourth seeded Rats upset the first seeded Bigfoot in the first round of the tournament, so I was looking forward to a great game. The Rats struggled with attendance all season long, otherwise they may very well have been the first seed. For our game they were again going to be missing several of their key/older players. To keep things competitive we agreed to let them sub in a couple of Bigfoot's power players. I may have been a little over confident going in, and am glad I stopped at agreeing on the two subs rather than three. The game was a total nailbiter, and we were tied at 3-3 with about 5 minutes left in the game. Thankfully, the very nervous Ninjas pulled it together and got us one last goal. We won 4-3. Woot!

I think the indoor season was my favorite soccer season to date. We had a great group of coaches, parents, and kids. Even though there was a wide range in ages (6-12), everyone played well together. The little kids really learned from the big kids. I can't wait to see everyone show off their skills this Spring.
A huge thank you to the coaches who made the league happen. A super shout out to Jason Whitt (far right), our very own Nate Silver, who helped me from Day 1 and definitely made the difference between the league happening and not happening.

Also a nod to Corey Crowder who made us the coolest trophy ever. The coaches spent a lot of time drinking beer and brainstorming for the league!
Next up--spring soccer for the boys and possibly an old lady indoor summer league for the moms.
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