Monday, September 16, 2013

O35 Soccer Clinic with Seamus

So...we have started our second season of O35 soccer. Now we have six teams instead of four and while we still have various skill levels, the competition is getting fierce! We're trying to advance our skills rather than our aggression!

Seamus, who may know from the Brass Door, came out with a couple of friends (one of Manchester United fame!) and led a clinic for some of us.


It was super helpful and fun.


When it was over, we had a keg of PBR to reward our hard work!


Some of us stayed longer than others.


We have two more clincs planned.

Thank you Seamus, Mike & Tony!

If you want to catch some live O35 action, we'll be at Greenfiled every Sunday 3-6pm until November 24th.

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