Full review to come, but here is a shot of their signature bbq shrimp po-boy. It was awesome. But I had to declare myself fully shrimped out once I was done with it. (I only made it half way through.)

And since we were so close to the track, we hopped on over to catch a few races. My grandfather always took me and my sisters when we were kids, so I was REALLY excited to take the monkeys.

The first race only had three horses, so we bet on them all.

As you can see, there were some pretty high stakes!

The second race had five horses, so again we bet on all five! That brought our total winnings to $1.60 before Team Marlinee decided it was time to go. My kids really wanted to be with her kids 24/7, so I dutifully cashed in my winnings and left, but I wish we would have stayed longer.

We went over to City Park to let the kids run around for awhile and re-visit the sight of Sutton's accident. (When we went 5 years ago, she chipped her tooth on this thing and we spent the afternoon having it reattached!)

After getting enough fresh air, we went over to Angelo Brocato's for some spumoni. (More on this later!) This was suggested by my mom after we all went crazy for the spumoni at Pete & Sam's before leaving Memphis.

After our treat, we headed back to the apartment for some serious napping. We probably should have all just stayed in bed and ordered in for food, but since it was our last night together (Team Marlinee was leaving Thursday) we rallied for one last big dinner at Casmento's. Only Casamento's closed at 2:00pm. Undeterred we headed over to Pascal's Manale. Only they had a huge wait for a party of ten. Due to severe behavior issues with Satchel, I decided to take my three charges elsewhere.
It's kind of a blur, but we somehow ended up at Louisiana Pizza Kitchen. I tried to take us to Camelia Grill as Jiro had been begging to go, but Satchel & Sutton were pushing for pasta. (Sutton told me she was craving Olive Garden, and that was our only almost fight! Ha! I hope that there isn't even one in New Orleans.) Jiro decided to take one for the team after I promised to take us back to Camelia Grill for breakfast. Louisiana Pizza Kitchen is nothing special, but I got everyone fed and refocused on being cool. Thrilled by the behavior improvement I agreed to go back across the street to Cold Stone Creamery.
Yes, I let them have ice cream twice time in one day. The CFO signed off on it.

Back at the apartment I ended up watching South Pacific with my cousins and the monkeys and Sutton watched Catching Fire on Cousin Dick's iPad.

A little screen time was what we all needed, I guess.
The next morning Team Marlinee hit the road and I was again tasked with entertaining the children on my own. (It was really nice to be with Team Marlinee and be on task all of the time! She had everything all planned out for us.)
Stay tuned...
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