Saturday, September 09, 2006

Chattanooga Day 3

We woke up bright and early on Monday to start heading back to Memphis. Warren had scoped out a cave for us to check out near Sewanee. (A cave that you can explore on your own. Not the kind that starts in a convenience store.) Before leaving Memphis, he had bought each of the boys a special flashlight and pimped the upcoming experience immensely. Satchel was giddy with anticipation, and only his desire to eat another Wendy's hamburger could distract him from the day's adventures. (We could not secure a Wendy's hamburger at 9:30am, so we went to Waffle House instead. Review to come.)

At 11:00am, after a lovely mountainous drive, we found ourselves at the trailhead to the Buggytop Caves. A sign at the bottom of a steep, rocky path read: "Caverns, 2 mi." Warren and I looked at each other, then looked at Jiro. There was no way we would be able to get him up a 2 mile rocky path. Our legs were killing us from our extreme Chattanooga vacation.

"Hey Satchel, why don't we go to the natural bridge instead?"


"Come on, honey, it will be fun!"


"Honey, the caves are too far away. We'll never make it. We can come back next year."


This went on and on and on, but we had no choice but to stick to our guns. The natural bridge was just a few miles away, easily accessible, and pretty cool.

But it was no cave. For the next hour or so Satchel whined, "I wanted to go to the CAVE. I never ever get to do anything I want to do. WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Warren and I tried to point out the 5,000 fun things we just did over the weekend, but he wanted to hear nothing of it.

The rest of our drive home was uneventful. In an attempt to cheer up our young cave explorer, we purchased a Wendy's hamburger in Jackson. He blankly stared at in the backseat for 10 minutes and then moaned, "I wanted CHICKEN NUGGETS!"

Clearly our next vacation needs to include more nap time!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

i have wondered long about the natural bridge. good to see it.

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