Sunday, August 16, 2009

In the Kitchen with Kids

Every so often I get emails from people asking me if I want free stuff. It's pretty cool. Of course, there's an underlying hope that upon receiving said free stuff, I will in turn blog about its greatness. This is one of those times.

Last week I got a copy of Junior Leagues' In the Kitchen with Kids. It was good timing since Satchel signed up to be ambassador at school this week and I was in need of some fun, easy recipes. Too bad he had no interest in making anything! Jiro, on the other hand, was very interested. (Mostly in me making something and him eating it.)

Friday night I decided to try out in the amazingly simple popsicle recipe. (Blend strawberries and honey, then freeze.) It took about two seconds! I got carried away and made some banana ones too. Yesterday when we had the official tasting the strawberry pops were a smashing success. The banana ones were not. (Oh, but I have big plans for future flavors!)

What I really wanted to make were the Cheesy Krisps. Jiro was actually very excited about this recipe and helped me shape the cookies. Then he helped put them in the oven, set the timer, and then determine when they were done. I probably shouldn't have let him do the last part, because I'm afraid we overcooked them a bit. Either that or they really are supposed to taste like dog treats.

There are still several more recipes we want to try--banana dippers, spaghetti pie, and granola bars, to name a few. (Warren is fascinated by the meatloaf cupcakes with carrot "frosting," but I don't know if he'll ever make them.)

I really like the book because it is simple and straight forward. I know it's made for kids, but it's perfect for someone who is challenged in the kitchen, like me. With Warren starting school soon and me taking over dinner duty, I can see this book coming in very handy.


Sassy Molassy said...

Maybe blend some cream with the bananas and whip it before freezing so it has more of an ice cream feel?

asapp said...

I've made those popsicles with my niece and I think I love them as much as she does for a healthy treat!

Also love the fruit salsa with cinnamon crisps from Junior Leagues In the Kitchen with Kids, super easy and satisfies the sweet tooth!

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