Monday, September 12, 2005


Satchel has entered his love phase. Until a week or so ago, he did not utter the word “love” unless I prompted him. (i.e. “Say ‘I love you Oba.’”) After our brilliant baseball experience, he told me several times, “I wuv Woocy (a.k.a. Lucy)…and fireworks!”

Satchel has declared his love for many other things: school days, trail days, hot wheels, blocks, candy, lollipops, the playground, the trolley, playing in the water, taking a bath, even shots.

Nevertheless, yesterday when he was in the middle of getting dressed and casually told me, “I wuv you very much Mommy,” I felt extremely special.


Lone Star Ma said...

Oh! How sweet!

Stephanie said...

That is the cutest thing! Connor doesn't say he loves us unless prompted, but he kisses us all the time- he loves to pucker up.

Lone Star Ma said...

The Lone Star Baby just says OOOOOHHHHH! and sucks you when she wants to express particular affection.

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