Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Party Time

On Monday evening, I sat looking at Jiro. He has what looked like mosquito bites all over his forehead. Then I noticed a couple of spots on his back. Hmmm...and didn't he have a bunch of spots on his butt this morning? Maybe it wasn't diaper rash...

"Warren, come here," I said. "I think Jiro has the Chicken Pox."

Before we left for California, a little girl in Jiro's class got the Chicken Pox from the vaccine and I had been worried one or both of the boys would get it on our trip. They didn't. And neither did any of the other kids at school.

After gathering soem information on the Internet, Warren called his mom. Turns out the poison oak his dad had the day before we left California was really the shingles.

Our best guess is that is how Jiro caught the virus since the incubation period from the initial school case had passed.

Contrary to popular opinion, we are thrilled that Jiro has the Pox. We passed on the Chicken Pox vaccine in the hopes that our boys could build up a natural immunity. Now they have that chance. In addition, having the Chicken Pox now means that any school requirements to vaccinate against them will be moot.

If anyone in town is interested in attending a Chicken Pox Party at our house. Let me know and I break out the lollipops.

For those of you interested in the patient's well-being, I think the spots only make him cuter. He's taking it pretty well considering there's serious Chicken Poxing in his crack, in his ears, and even on his tongue. 24 hour claritin is keeping the desire to scratch at bay.

Satchel is still spot free. Has a fever and cough though. And he fell asleep at 6:30pm on the sofa. I hope he gets them soon so we will be on the path to recovery.


Lone Star Ma said...

Many fluids! Those mouth, throat and pee-pee pox can make staying hydrated hard. Hope he feels better soon! Sounds like Satchel is well on his way to spots.

Stephanie said...

I hope it comes and goes quickly. You're right though- I think it does make him cuter!

Anonymous said...

Poor Jiro! I'm glad he's taking it ok. How's Satchel looking?

Anonymous said...

OMFG what is it about holidays that attract germs to children. They're like black holes as soon as they sense the impending closure of the pediatricians office. Mike just walked out of the bedroom with Maya, and both her eyes were goopy and red. This happens within MINUTES of the closure of the pediatrician's office on this fine FRIDAY NIGHT BEFORE FREAKING CHRISTMAS.

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