Thursday, May 18, 2006

Feeling Crafty?

Yesterday I discovered an awesome new site called Kiddley, that lists all kinds of fun activities to do with kids. It's the coolest thing to come along since Parent Hacks in my opinion.

Last night after dinner, Satchel said, "Mommy, I want to do some art. I didn't get to do enough art today."

(This is the same kid who, after eating edamame and seaweed at dinner, also said, "Mommy, I want to eat some green vegetables. I didn't get enough green vegetables today." I'm not making this up!)

Normally, I would break out the magic markers and a pad of paper, but last night I said, "I have a project we can do." I printed out the instructions for 5 Minute DIY Juggling Balls from Kiddley right before I left work.

"A project?" he asked, excited.

"Wanna make some balls out of rice and balloons?" I asked.


I quickly gathered all of the materials we needed and Satchel and Jiro eagerly sat at the kitchen table while I measured out the rice. I let them take turns pouring the rice into the bottle. Once I blew up the balloon and stuck in on the top of the bottle, their eyes lit up. They were clearly impressed.

Making the balls was incredibly easy. I had a bit of trouble getting the second balloon on, but quickly figured it out. Mine aren't nearly as pretty as the ones pictured here, but they are super sturdy and the boys had fun coloring them with black sharpies.

(Warren if you are reading this, prepare yourself. I told them that you know how to juggle!)

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