Stardate: Thursday, June 29, 2006
12:51pm Off to a very late start due to many factors, one of which was a pit stop at the playground.
1:18pm After stopping for gas and goodies at the local Co-op, we are officially on the road.
3:00pm Jiro falls asleep while eating a Blo Pop.
3:12pm Satchel informs me that he has to pee, but there's no way we are stopping now. Crawl into the backseat and assist him in peeing in a cup. "Have you ever drank pee?" he asks me.
3:18pm Have a quintessential American moment as we detour onto Route 66 while listening to a story on NPR about a guy who traveled 15,000 miles with his kids on various roadtrips. When Warren stops to pick up a piece of asphalt, I dump Satchel's pee out the door so that I don't inadvertently have a "Yes" answer to his last question.
4:14pm Jiro wakes up.
4:26pm Hello Texas. "Home of President Poo Poo Head!"
4:52pm Warren relinquishes the wheel.
5:30pm Miss the freaking exit to Car Henge and continue on through Amarillo on a quest for food and (you guessed it) a playground. Get burritos at Moe's and eat them at the playground.
6:54pm In search of gas. See a huge waterpark. Make a mental note.
7:10pm Gassed up. Satchel is the proud owner of a $4 monster truck.
7:47pm Satchel falls asleep grasping his monster truck.
7:52pm Pass a huge welcome center near Oklahoma border with free WiFi and an incredible playground. Mile 129. Make mental note.
8:04pm I have the shit chills in nowhere Texas. Warren expertly avoids running over a giant tire that blew off an 18 wheeler without getting us in an accident.
8:34pm Welcome to Oklahoma!
9:21pm Make second call to Aunt Judie for directions but get no answer. Jiro says, "I want a mohawk." (I swear! It's something they do in the tub.)
9:44pm Jiro finally falls asleep after eating FIVE babybel cheeses.
10:30pm Aunt Judie calls back. Both boys wake up. Satchel says, "The moon is following us!"
11:??pm Arrive at Aunt Judie's!
5 Things To Do This Weekend: 2/12 – 2/14
4 years ago
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