Monday, July 03, 2006

Travelogue Memphis-Wichita

Stardate: Friday, June 23, 2006
Car Mileage: 87,669

7:50am Packed up and ready to go. (So much for our 6am lift off!) The boys slept in their clothes and were up for maybe 5 minutes before being strapped in.
9:13am Warren threatens to throw Satchel's hotwheel out of the window. Jiro is busy amusing himself with the viewfinder. (The picture wheels are a great stand-in for his CD fixation.) He happily points at the viewfinder and squeals, "Mommy! Nemo!" "Mommy" has already been uttered atleast 345 times.
9:30am Satchel throws a plastic dinosaur into the front seat. Jiro throws a plastic Nemo two seconds later. Giggles erupt in backseat. I calmly place the offending toys in the visor and notify the children that they are in permanent time out.
10:01am Jiro bangs his golf balls (he insists on having 1-2 golf balls on his person at all times) on the window but a simple warning stops him.
10:51am Jiro co-opts Warren's fancy Asian energy drink.
11:00am First rest stop. Made it past Little Rock--woohoo! Do a little mini-hike through the camping area to stretch the boys' legs. Satchel discovers strange bone and brings it into the car.
11:30am Pass out lollipops. To my horror I see Satchel sucking on the strange bone. "Oops, I thought it was my lollipop," he laughs. Ew.
11:43am Possible bird killing. "It might be stuck in your grill," Warren calmly informs me. Double Ew.
12:05pm Satchel wraps string cheese in sushi but decides after two bites that it is yucky.
12:09pm Jiro manages to recreate Peabody Park sprayground in the backseat using on his mouth and a bottle of water. The misting helps all of the stray seaweed flakes stick to the boys faces and clothes.
12:12pm Nemo hits me in the nose. (I thought that thing was in time out!) Warren lodges Nemo in the window. Jiro is distressed.
12:15pm Jiro's golf balls are confiscated after more window banging.
12:17pm Pass redheaded hitchhiker and Warren informs the boys that "That could be you if you don't behave."
12:20pm Gas. 276 miles down. I purchase sugarless gum, fried chicken legs, and a copy of "Buttman" (just kidding) at the gas station. Come outside to find children on their very best behavior. Warren informs me that while I was inside he pretended to leave me in an attempt to scare the kids straight. They immediately burst into tears and promised to do right.
12:52pm Heavy rain in Okalahoma. Satchel keeps asking us about the "Big Cave in Oklahoma." We eventually decipher that the Little Einsteins go to a big cave in Oklahoma in their show, but we still have no idea where it is.
12:55pm Jiro falls asleep! Satchel becomes obsessed with a tornado hitting us. Warren discovers that he has left his Mapquest maps at his office.
1:09pm Consult road atlas. Have a minor freak out about the magnitude of this undertaking.
2:09pm Jiro wakes up.
2:29pm Blinding rain has us all sitting in scared silence.
2:30pm Satchel breaks the silence with a litany of questions. "Are we in the city or the country? Is it dinner time? Can you count to 3 hours? Is a tornado invisible? Is it raining in Memphis? Is it raining in Kansas? Is that the cave?"
2:54pm After a brief respite, questions resume.
3:20pm More gas. Another 185 miles down. Eat at McDonald's so the kids can have more plastic cars to fight over and throw.
4:02pm On the road again. Nasty fast food belly.
4:08pm Jiro recreates the sprayground, but this time with juice.
4:45pm Satchel falls asleep! Jiro goes back to the viewfinder.
4:57pm Realize that I have a painful rugburn on my arm as a result of having to turn around and face the backseat every 5 seconds.
4:58pm Warren points out another rest stop we visited on our 2002 road trip.
4:59pm Pray silently in my head that Jiro will stop saying "Mommy!" every few seconds.
5:07pm Kansas state line!
5:08pm Jiro says, "I want to go to the playground."
5:09pm Jiro requests that his golf balls be returned. He's been displaying pretty good behavior so I give them back. (Do you hear that Anonymous!?)
5:18pm Satchel is awake, but his leg is asleep. Much drama ensues.
5:50pm Happily pull into the Best Western parking lot.
5:51pm Discover we are at the wrong BW.
6:02pm Pull into the correct hotel parking lot. We made it! (I managed to read 4 zines in their entirety on the first leg.)


Unknown said...

Just a few things: First of all, you have way bigger balls than me for undertaking this trip, so none of this is a condemnation in any way. Second, and while on the subject of balls, with Satchel's propensity for throwing objects into the front seat, why oh why would he be in possession of golf balls? Thirdly, kudos to Warren for coming up with threatening to leave you as a means to scare the kids straight, but why wouldn't you also use the tornado that way? Fourth, no DVD player? Seriously? And, fifth, how come you're not owning up to when you gave them each a dose of Benadryl? (Sixth - for Warren - was the red-headed hitchhiker hot? You should've picked her up.)

Anonymous said...

That's funny, whenever RJA pretends to leave me, he gets only encouragement from the kids. This is a big joke around our house.

Stacey Greenberg said...

the redhead was a scruffy dude!
jiro had the golf balls.
only xanax, no benadryl!

Anonymous said...

We'll see how tough they are when they lose the entertaining power of daylight ...

And no fair being able to read in the car! It's not really a road trip unless the navigator is constantly on the verge of violent nausea.

Unknown said...

My biggest irritant on this trip would've been the person sitting next to me scribbling what was happening minute by minute. That notebook would have been tossed out the window somewhere in West Memphis.

Stacey Greenberg said...

but without the notebook there'd be no blog entries! my memory is shit. :)

and andria, being the navigator sucks. I have never been so desperate to drive in my life!

Stephanie said...

I just took my first road trip with both kids- all the way to Nashville!- and as a result I am that much more impressed with your trip! I did learn one important lesson about traveling with two kids- it's a lot easier to get in between two carseats in the back of an Accord than it is to get out.

Anonymous said...

I see it as the lesser of two evils: It was either put up with the scribbling in the notebook or listen to suggestions on how to drive !]

Unknown said...

Wise decision, then.

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