Sunday, November 18, 2007

Leave Me Alone!

Saturday morning I woke up early to rake leaves. Not because I wanted to, but because Warren was still working and I knew that when he got home he'd be stressed about all of the yardwork that isn't getting done in his absence. And considering we had big plans to attend the annual Chefs and Chiefs dinner, a benefit for Chucalissa, later that evening, I didn't want him to be stressed.

The leaves from the two giant Sweet Gum trees in our yard (and the various trees surrounding our yard) continued to fall as I raked. By the time Warren got home, it was hard to tell that I had in fact done anything--a true exercise in futility. But, I had 7 large black bags filled with leaves to attest to the fact that I had tried.

I also took the monkeys and the dogs to Overton Park for a two hour hike, because I like hiking, but also because Warren worries about all of the dog and kid exercising that doesn't get done in his absence.

Finally, I took the monkeys to a birthday party so that Warren, who is most probably coming down with Strep throat for the third time this year, could rest and be ready to get his Native American grub on, come 6:30.

Which he was.

Despite my complete exhaustion at that point, I was too (after a little Starbucks infusion).

We spent a lovely evening at River Terrace eating rabbit, salmon, duck, venison, and other tasty dishes created by five different local chefs from ingredients available to Native Americans back in the day. Each course was paired with a wine and the conversation was 99% about Archaeology. (The other 1% was about food. Among the various anthropologists were a smattering of foodies--the Squirrel Squad and the owners of Cafe 1912 and La Tourelle, among them.)

We topped the evening off with a quick run through the Lantana Project's Class of '07 exhibit on main street, which was way hipper than we were!

As we drove home down Poplar at 10:30pm, I noticed the Hi-Tone marquee that read "Giant Bear and The Subteens." Oh, how I wish I wasn't an old lady and could have stayed up a little later!

Seven weeks of solo parenting two monkeys has really taken it's toll on me. Yes, seven weeks. SEVEN WEEKS.

Imagine my glee when Warren decided to load up the monkeys this morning and drive them to Linden for an overnight stay and a firsthand look at the cool project he is working on.

Yes, dear readers, I have twenty-four glorious hours all to myself. Whatever will I do?

First up, a nap.

Photo stolen from staff photographer, Chip. Thanks, Chip!

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