After work, Satchel (formerly known as Nature Boy) propped himself in front of the TV and Jiro proclaimed, "I'm going outside!" (I don't think Jiro, my little couch potato, has ever done this.) Since it was nice and I was having a beer in Willie's honor, I went outside to observe Jiro in the wild.
He ran around aimlessly for a bit and then set his sights on the Crepe Myrtle. Satchel is always climbing the Crepe Myrtle. I watched as Jiro expertly maneuvered himself way up into the tree--much higher than I expected. It was such a pure moment. I loved seeing him all on his own without big brother dictating their every move. ("I'm Anakin and you're Luke Skywalker. Let's go kill the Storm Troopers!")
Jiro eventually ran in and got a light saber, and then tried to climb the tree while holding it. After several attempts, he closed it and hooked it to his pants pocket. Then once he got to where he wanted to be, he opened it. Once he mastered one light saber, he ran in and got another. Soon he was back in the tree with a light saber clipped to each pocket.
Once I couldn't stand the cuteness without capturing it on film, Jiro got interested in taking pictures. So, I let him snap at will.
Eventually we decided to collaborate on a photo essay entitled "Gumballs, Gumballs, Freaking Gumballs Everywhere!"
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Jiro actually took the one of the gumball hiding in the terra cotta cylinder, which I think is by far the best shot.
Ok, that boy is a natural.
what a lovely afternoon.
Strangely, those evil gum-balls look kinda cute.
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