We pulled the monkeys on their sleds while the dogs ran along side us.

There was a big group of people gathered for Park Friends' second Saturday hike. Don Richardson did a great job of telling everyone what's been going on for the past few weeks.

After chatting for a bit, we decided to go through the trails and look for some good hills. Our friend, Ian, joined us after his little sister fell in a giant puddle and had to go home.

Lots of people were out enjoying the snow. I liked this very Suess-like snowman that someone built on the golf course.

And this one--with a pencil for a nose--guarding the bridge.

Such a lovely day...a little too lovely as the snow was disappearing before our eyes!

Warren made some hot chocolate for us to enjoy near the "alien pods," one of our favorite resting spots.

Bye snow! See you next year!

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