Thursday, May 22, 2008

Heads Up

After the incident a couple of weeks ago, I thought I should give the monkeys a heads up on my column this week.

"Hey guys, Mommy wrote a story about Star Wars and it is going to be in the paper."

"COOL! Can I read it?" exclaimed Satchel.

"Are there any pictures?" asked Jiro.

"Can you do a Ben 10 one next?" asked Satchel.

Clearly, I had misrepresented myself. "Ok, it isn't really about Star Wars," I clarified. "It's about you guys and the things you say about Star Wars."

They looked at me.

"But there are pictures?" Satchel asked, much less interested now.

"No...well they put a picture of my head next to the story."

"Oh," he said.

"I guess the story is more for parents than kids," I explained. "I wrote about how Jiro lost Yoda's light saber at Shelby Farms."

Jiro wasn't even listening anymore, but Satchel was trying to understand. "I also wrote about how you wanted to know who my favorite Star Wars character was."

"Why would you write about that?" he finally asked. "And why did you tell everyone about the snake the other time?" he added.

"Because it's funny," I said.

"Oh," he said.

"Sometimes parents need a good laugh," I explained.

"Can I have a gummy worm?" he asked desperately trying to change the subject.

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