Today, the unthinkable happened.
Jerry Carruthers decided he was sick of the Chicago Pizza Factory building sitting empty. He's got two guys gutting the inside and fixing up the outside. "We're even gonna fix the lights on the sign," the guy in the shirt told me.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Once they get a renter, they're going to fix the inside up to suit them.
It's a miracle!
I have always dreamed of a Brother Juniper's type place there. Or a great coffee shop like Cafe Eclectic. Or a kid-friendly beer garden. Or maybe even the latest incarnation of Mothersville. The possibilities are endless!
I just hope it is something cool. I was pretty disappointed to learn that Crye-Leike is moving into the old Anderton's building. At least they are leaving the facade.
5 Things To Do This Weekend: 2/12 – 2/14
4 years ago
That is great news. Whatever the renters do, I hope they don't make patio an afterthought. With trees, wall and street proximity, it should be core. A beer or coffee garden sounds real good.
Remind me to tell y'all a funny story about the health inspector who shut this place down, lo, so many years ago.
hmm, i bet i know the name of that inspector.
wow, this is so exciting.
I think that it is always better for a building/space to be used for a purpose than to stand empty. Putting in a business with a long history, good local business, good local traffic etc is a good plus. I do work for Crye-Leike so I'm a little partial :)
sorry angie, didn't mean to offend--i puffy heart crye-leike! they sold my house!
I think it's highly possible this could be the new home of Memphis Pizza Cafe. The landlords are clearing out the Overton Square complex and this would be a great fit, I'd think. This is pure speculation, of course.
I've wanted this place for a pizza/acoustic showcase for decades. Think Shakey's meets MTV unplugged. I hope someone does something special with it.
great photos -- i asked a coworker who said that, in her entire 20 years of midtown memphis living, she can't remember that building being used.
is that about right? i also really like the lot right next to it with the big CHICAGO gate-thing.
Anyway ... thanks.
Thanks for that update Stacey. I think its a great old building. As I recall it has a basement dining area. I agree with SF, I would like to see a jazz, acoustic music club with non-pub grub food. Maybe Shakey's meets MTV with a little Jazz and the old Fantasia in the mix. Oh, and of course, WI-FI.
well sadly after over six months of being on the rental scene, no one has moved in. why??
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