Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jiro's Big Day

After veto-ing a redo on Ring Pops, Warren stayed up late Tuesday making brownies for Jiro to take to school.

We all slept in, and then had a great breakfast at Bryants.

My mom and I went to the school just before lunch for the traditional walking around the sun.

Then we hung out with the Schoolyard Gang for a bit while we bided time in the hopes of securing a brownie for the road.

Warren picked Jiro up at 2:30 for his last speech therapy class for the spring semester at the U of M. His speech therapist had a special scavenger hunt planned for him and the snack of the day was a cookie with icing and sprinkles that he got to decorate himself.

I picked the boys up from school later and we went to McDonald's and then Target. Jiro picked out Bakugan, of course He "let" Satchel get one too. Next we went to TCBY (even though Baskin Robbins was giving out .31 cones) where Jiro refused to get out of the car. He fell asleep on the way home and I hoped I could somehow get him in bed, but he woke up. I let him play for a bit then we did bath, late night snack (He requested a slice of American cheese, a small bowl of white cheddar crackers, a brownie, a popsicle, and a spoonful of honey. I stopped after the cheese and crackers.), books, and bed.

Jiro was cranky and whiney and teary all day, which was a bummer. I think he was just exhausted. Just before he fell asleep he curled up next to me and said, "I lub you, Mommy."

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Happy birthday to your big 5-yr-old!

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