Tuesday, April 07, 2009

More Technology Talk

I've found a new use for Facebook. Or, rather, reason #1009 why Facebook is awesome. I was home alone with the monkeys when my phone went completely dead. I was in the middle of working out a carpool to roller derby practice and I hadn't yet texted Warren as to whether I was going to take the kids with me or wait for him to get home from school. We don't have a home phone line so I was a little perplexed as to what to do.

First, I located the instruction manual that came with my phone to see if I could pinpoint the problem and potentially fix my phone. It took me about 3 seconds to give up on this idea.

Next, I considered putting the kids in the car and driving to a gas station. But I wasn't entirely sure if gas stations even have pay phones anymore.

I turned on my computer and decided to email my fellow carpoolers to see if I could finalize plans that way. I figured if I could get them to pick me up, I could use one of their phones to text Warren.

After about thirty minutes of waiting for a return email, I was down to the wire. Then it hit me: See who's online on Facebook and have them send some text messages on my behalf! I logged in and I had about 30 friends online. As I scrolled down the list it occurred to me that I really wasn't close enough friends with about 28 of these people to ask them to do me this favor! Thankfully Kristy (or Ms. Sassy Molassy) was online and happily agreed to help me out.

She texted the derby girls that I would meet them at practice and texted Warren that he needed to pick the kids up at practice. She did not however provide any context such as "Stacey's phone is dead" so the recipients of these messages were a little perplexed, but they got the message!

Thanks, Kristy. And Facebook.


Sassy Molassy said...

I did tell Warren that your phone died! My text said "Stacey's phone died. She said you need to pick the boys up at practice." Because yes, I text with capitalization and punctuation. I didn't say anything In the one to Mary, though, because I was too lazy. Later I did realize I had been texting from RJA's phone, because it was the one sitting on the desk. Oops!

warren said...

I didn't know who was texting me until you told me it was SM--it just showed up as a phone number.

Thanks Sassy!

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