Saturday, July 04, 2009

Summer Drive-In

I'm 37 years-old and I have never been to a drive-in movie--until tonight. Man, I have been missing out! What fun! (And what a bargain! $7 per adult, kids under 10 free--for a double feature! Concessions were also cheaper than a normal Malco. One caveat--you need to be able to stay awake past 8:45pm!)

Satchel was so intrigued by the drive-in concept. It was hilarious. He just couldn't fathom how a movie could be played on a big screen in the middle of a parking lot.

The weather was actually quite nice and it was fun to be doing something different. Warren and I sat in the front seats of the car, and the monkeys alternated between the backseat, the hood, the ground, and my lap. (Jiro was a 50 lbs. heating blanket!)

We were just getting our feet wet tonight. Next time we'll have a grill, exotic seafood, fancy beverages, and a large pick-up truck with a giant bean bag in the back. Oh, and someone who can take really good pictures!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I can't believe you've never been before!

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