Friday, May 07, 2010

Kids & Pets

Last week I was standing in the boys' room sniffing audibly. "What is it?" asked Jiro.

"It smells like a fart in here," I replied. For whatever reason, this attracted the attention of Warren and Satchel.

"What kind of fart?" Warren asked.

"I don't know, maybe like one of the animals farted, but it's been ongoing for a day or so. Like maybe Olive (our cat) pooped in here somewhere."

Jiro looked around and said, "It was probably those guys," and motioned towards a group of nearby stuffed animals.

I love that kid!

If you read yesterday's column, Morning routine filled with drama, then you know our cat woke Jiro up by puking on him Monday morning.

My poor, sweet baby boy. Olive has been sleeping on him for weeks despite our best efforts to relocate her.

On Monday morning, I came in from the Y at 7am and found him crying in the foyer. He was disraught. And covered in cat puke. I went in to look at the bed and it too was covered in puke.

I'm saying puke, but it was really more like a hairball surrounded in doo doo.

Amazingly enough, Satchel was still in bed. "You know Olive puked in here, right?" I asked.

"What?" he said as he pounced out of bed.

Jiro washed his hands like ten times, took a shower, and then washed his hands a few more times for good measure.

Guess who got to do the laundry? That's right. Lucky me.

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