Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April Showers

April is always a busy month. The onset of sunny days and warmer weather equals action packed weekends. The fact that the monkeys and I all have April birthdays, only makes it busier. You can imagine how messy my house is and how many gumballs still need to be raked out of my yard!

April kicked off with a visit from the B Team, as I already mentioned. There was also another installment of eaTABLE, our underground restaurant/supper club. My friends, Marlinee & Max, hosted twenty of us on their porch. Our chef was Joe Morris, who works in the kitchen at Tsunami and tends bar at 1912 on Sundays. It was an epic meal with nine courses. Thanks to his use of unusual ingredients and cooking techniques, I felt like I was judging a Top Chef meal. It was awesome. My favorite course was the baby beet salad.

93. Baby beet salad at palaTABLE dinner

I had Monday off to recover from our late night dining, but a spring storm ripped through the city around noon. With about 70,000 people without utilities, I had to go back to work. Now that customers can get info on their accounts via our Facebook page, which I monitor, I ended up doing 20+ hours of overtime. Since I started my early morning workouts, I rarely see midnight anymore, so it was an exhausting week!

Once everyone's power was restored, it was time for our first full size Rock-n-Romp of the season at Mud Island. Last year, we braved 100+ degree temps in June, but this year's decision to do Mud Island in April instead, really paid off. We had a lovely 80 degree day, which thanks to the breeze off of the river, was just right.


I watched in amazement as hundreds of people flocked to the island. With so many other activities going on at the same time in other parts of the city, I thought our numbers might be moderate. Instead, we had a record breaking day with over 1000 people in attendance!

I failed to take any pictures, and Chip claims he never saw my monkeys, but I'm pretty sure they were either on the hill...


...or in the fountains.


By the end of the afternoon, they looked like giant wet grass stains. Despite running out of our beer and bbq way earlier than usual, I think everyone had a pretty awesome time--including me.

As soon as we were done cleaning up, we had to rush to the Taekwondo sponsorship committee fundraiser. The kids played at the studio, while we sipped wine, nibbled cheese, and bid on various auction items. We were pretty worn out, so we truly did sip. By 9:00pm, we were more than ready to retire for the evening. (I never plan anything after RnR, but we had to make an exception for our beloved Midtown taekwondo!)

Sunday was spent at the Apple Store Genius Bar, Target, Whole Foods, and Kroger to get set for the week, then we met up with my mom, sister, and niece for an early birthday dinner at Los Picosos. I chose the restaurant for its strategic location. It's just a block away from La Michoacana. I have a serious popsicle/ice cream addiction!

Monday, I took the day off to enjoy my birthday to the fullest with my friend, Colleen, who was also celebrating her birthday. We basically shopped and ate our way around town, which was fantastic. We had planned to do a scavenger hunt, but the rain and our desire to eat and buy cute clothes side tracked that mission.

I did manage to find the pig bench Ashley told me to look for. (By I, I mean Colleen.)

We pretty much hit every women's clothing store in town. As for eating, we had breakfast at Cafe Eclectic, lunch at Las Tortugas, and dinner at Restaurant Iris. You'd be hard pressed to beat that eating combination!

20. Homemade yogurt and granola at Cafe Eclectic

Tuesday, I barely dragged myself out of bed, but the thought of meeting up with Aimee, Mary, and Elizabeth for belated birthday sushi at SPR, kept me going.

I'm meeting Warren for lunch on Wednesday, then I plan to start my healthy choices again. I'll also need to throw in a little housework and yardwork for good measure. Then it'll be time to celebrate the monkeys' birthdays. I'll be happy when they are celebrated out like me and we can get some rest!

Clear & beautiful pics by Chip

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