Thursday, April 07, 2011

Woodland Discovery Playground

Today's column details our sneak peek at the new playground in Shelby Farms Park (Woodland Playground gets family thumbs up). Here are a few pictures to supplement:

Thrilling, but not scary slide:

Irresistible water table:

Fun German swings. (Yes, a random little girl is pushing the boys.)

Here's a bigger push by their art teacher, Ms. Autumn, who was visiting with her quadruplets!

Interconnected swing action. One jump affects all others.

Similar concept, but with two swings instead of three.

Fun climbing action:

Clean restrooms with a changing table:

Recycle bins!

There's so much more to see. Go see it for yourself!


kelly11 said...

Wow! I can't wait to go check it out. Great photos!

Tiffany said...

Wow looks awesome!! Think I'll go tomorrow!

Stephanie said...

It's as awesome as you described it, except the bathrooms are no longer exactly what I'd call clean.

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