Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey Day

Turkey is not as good as ravioli, but we had a very nice Thanksgiving nontheless.

As I have for the past two years, I started it off at the Turkey Trot in Shelby Farms with Ashley. It was the very first race we ever ran. The first time we did the relay, which meant we each did two miles. Last year we each ran four and our husbands did the relay. This year, since we've been training for the half, we decided to actually race. By the end, we were actually sprinting. It was crazy! I told Jiro that there were 3000 runners and he guesses I came in 1500th hundred place. I'll take it!

After a shower, the fam and I loaded up all of Warren's cooking supplies and headed to my mom's house. (Does your mom have salt? Does your mom have garlic? Does your mom have celery?)

I had to make one emergency grocery store run for an aluminum baking pan and beer, then my mom, the kids, and I went to the movies so Warren could have the kitchen to himself.

Back at my mom's there was still some waiting time, so the boys went out to practice their basketball. In this picture you can see that Warren knocked both monkeys down before landing this awesome shot.

Here is the chef with his awesome bird.

And my mom, who is in her seventh decade of life, remembered for the first time that her grandmother always made pineapple upside down cake on Thanksgiving. She decided to make one as her belated birthday cake. It was YUM.

The kids were all about the turkey legs.

After dinner, we all needed a rest. (The Whole Foods turkey had double triptophan, I think.) Then we played Blokus, the best board game ever, until the wee hours of the evening.

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