We have managed to do a quite a few fun things between kicking ass and taking names. However, finding the time to blog about them has been hard. So here's a little summation.
A couple of weeks ago, my friend, Kathleen invited us to go see the Harlem Globetrotters at the FedEx Forum. (Her workplace had box seats up for grabs!) The monkeys and I were psyched.

I didn't realize that they actually pretended to play a whole game--I thought they just goofed off--but the kids were transfixed. (Kathleen, another mom, and I mostly hung out and chatted in the fancy livingroom section of the box.)
The cutest part was when they all ran down after the game to get autographs from the players. Satchel was very annoyed that I would not buy him a red, white, and blue basketball to have signed.

We also had our buddy Kai over for some video game action, offset by a little tree climbing.

Satchel is such a treehugger. I'm so proud.

Jiro has been going through a dress-up phase. (Finally! Satchel was a Power Ranger for months and months and months and I miss his flair.) Jiro's favorite thing to dress up as is "No Undie Boy." Apparently No Undie Boy likes to wear underwear on his head and a shirt for pants.

Here is another variation...

Cute, right? Maybe even a little French Revolution-y. I love it...except when he runs around with a Nerf gun wreaking havoc on everyone in his wake.
What else? Oh, I forced the monkeys to go to a classmate's skating party thinking it would be fun. It soon became clear that is was an ALL GIRL party. The monkeys were hilarious with their indignation. They did of course happily partake of ice cream and donuts before insisting that we LEAVE! NOW!

Jiro had a field trip to the library yesterday, but decided not to go at the last minute because no other boys were going. I explained that it was okay to be friends with girls and that I had plenty of friends who are boys. He looked at me and simply said, "Adults do whatever they want. You just don't understand what it is like to be a little boy."
I should know since I'm pretty much surrounded by them all of the time. The long weekend was a rotating show of little boy faces in various settings.

Really, it should be no wonder that I'm ready to run out of the door when my Tuesday "Girls Night" rolls around!
But Warren and I did squeeze in some fun, adult activities too over the weekend. We went to a really fun 40th birthday party, and even got to see NTJ play at the Hi-Tone! I haven't been to a NTJ show in a decade, so it was a real treat. I even danced!

My old coach and friend, Nat, came to town and we got to skate the Greenline for the first time in months.
Warren has started building us a porch and had some nice stretches of time to work on it.
Life is good.
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