Warren and the kids had a great time on the cruise, despite my absence. There are tons of pictures and stories to share, but the pictures are being held hostage on Warren's camera and I'm not telling the stories without pictures! Stay tuned for an eventual cruise posting!
While my family was on the boat, I was at home. The house was already clean and I had cleared my calendar in anticipation of being out of town, so it was a weird week. I'm not used to having nothing to do! I spent most of the week with friends so I wouldn't just sit home and stare at the walls. I was really worried about everyone until I got a midweek email detailing how much fun they were having. Then I relaxed a little bit.
Since their return things have been back to normal. (Read: busy!) We started spring soccer last week and I am the assistant coach! Woot! We had two practices and a game. Satchel played goalie in the game and looked like a total rock star! Unfortunately, he hurt his wrist and it looked like I was going to have two kids in casts, but thankfully it was just sore and not broken. Jiro, who is on week 5 of a 6 week cast, couldn't play goalie, but he looked amazing on the field. We have a young team, but I am really excited to see how they progress over the season. You can definitely expect a lot of soccer talk here over the next few weeks.
I'm also knee deep in training for the Memphis in May triathlon. This means I am supposed to swim, bike, or run like ten times a week. It's pretty insane. Swimming and biking are really making me love running even more than I already did.
Other than that we're gearing up for another year of Rock-n-Romp, hopefully including a two week camp, more fancy eaTABLE dinners, and my 40th birthday! Woot!
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