Friday, September 05, 2014

Fairly Awesome

My boys LOVE the fair.

Last year they got grounded and didn't get to go, so this year it was ON. Satchel actually ended up going on Monday with his friend, Theo. Yes, the 12 year olds were dropped off and left to their own devices. Satchel reported having fun for awhile, and then puking in a trash can. He complained that he was so sick that he didn't want to eat any of Theo's delicious looking Fried Oreos! He did manage to spend all $42 dollars he had in his pocket though.

This is Satchel in 2012.


Clearly, rides aren't his thing.

Jiro was extremely bummed that Satchel did not want to go with us on Wednesday, but I promised him we would have fun without him. And we did.

Jiro's buddy Ray was there with his mom, Mad, and the two of them literally ran from ride to ride.


Mad, who had been there about 45 minutes already, was pretty nauseous and hesitant to ride any more rides, but we got her on a few. I was actually enjoying the rides, and practiced being calm and letting the scary flow over me. Mad coped by screaming and praying to Jesus.

By the time we got to Crazy Mouse, Mad drew the line. I ride Crazy Mouse every year and this year would be no different. By now we had met up with another friend, Lily. I tried to tell her how scary the ride was, but she didn't believe me. I think this $6 photo sold to Lily's dad by the Crazy Mouse operators sums it up perfectly.


We obviously needed a little sugar to keep going.


And I insisted on at least one selfie.


Jiro said, "Awkwaaaard."

Check out Lily's awesome fashion, surely fashioned at this year's Rock-n-Romp Camp.


I love the way the fair looks at night, but by dark I was ready to go.

Moby Dick (below) is reportedly what made Satchel puke.


Those extra high flying swings are my new favorite.


Jiro agreed to leave once he had some Fried Oreos and lemonade. He wanted Satchel to be jealous, although he's too sweet for that. He of course asked soon after if he could take some home to him.


My sweet boy also made sure to thank me about hundred times on the way home. Although he did say that in a perfect world we would have gone two days earlier (Peyton from "Jessie") or two days later (R4). Both boys have actually been making a play to return tonight for R4 (or is it R5?), but I'm just not ready for that.

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