Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Gateway Arch

On our last visit to St. Louis, Satchel was terrified of going to the Arch. In fact, every time we got on the hotel elevator I had to promise him that we were in the hotel and not the Arch before pressing any buttons. On this trip, he was still scared, but the fact that we were going with some friends of ours from his school made him put on a brave face--at least until we got to the top.

The last time I went to the top was 1977, so I remembered very little. It was Warren's first trip and he was excited to learn that we could get out at the top and look around. (He thought we would briefly look out of the window from the tram and then move on.) Jiro was not at all scared, nor were his buddies from school. (Age 6 is when one becomes aware of one's mortality, I think.)

It was still second to City Museum, but very cool.

After our trip to the top, Warren got all artsy with the camera and the sunset.


Memphis Urban Sketchers said...

OMG those pictures in the tram and in the top and from the top just make me want to vomit. My head is swimming just thinking about it. Being both claustrophobic and afraid of heights puts the arch pretty much on top of my 'things to never do' list. Though I have told Toby that I'll join him up there if I take some xanax first.
Oh, and I'm glad y'all had fun!

Melissa said...

love these pics!!

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