Saturday, August 04, 2007

Winchester Farmer's Market

After a big night of buying art and eating out, we did one of our favorite things: grocery shopping. We couldn't be within a few miles of the Winchester Farmer's Market and not go in.

Now, this is the kind of grocery store we were looking for in Gulf Shores. Not only do they have fresh, interesting produce for days, they have a week of whole, live fish, including blue crabs. And months and months of spices. A year (at least) of Japanese goodies like Pocky, rice, seaweed, pickled offerings, bento boxes, and even beauty products.

If you've never been, I highly recommend it. Just don't go at 8:30pm cuz then you will be only have 30 minutes to get your grocery on.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Anonymous said...

Y'all would *really* like Seattle.

Melissa said...

This looks awesome. Can't wait to go! Can't wait to get me a snazzy Flickr slideshow on my site...

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