Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Bring on the fairies

When I picked the boys up from school, Satchel came running. "Mommy! I..."

Before he could finish his sentence, I said, "You lost your tooth!"

He was ecstatic.

I had to hold back tears. My baby is growing up so fast!!!

He had a LOT of questions about the tooth fairy.

"How will she know that I lost my tooth?"

"How does she know where I live?"

"How will she know the tooth is under my pillow?

"Can I keep my tooth and still get some money?"

Feeling that a dollar was somehow going to be anti-climactic, I went on a midnight run to find a fun toothbrush.

Check it out. A KISS toothbrush that plays a full two minutes of Rock-n-Roll all nite!


Stephanie said...

Where on Earth did you get that?

Sweet Sassy Molassy said...

Siiigh... Have I not taught you that establishing low expectations in your kids' minds is the key to happiness? You'd better hurry up and explain that he tooth fairy doesn't usually leave gifts! How do you think you got to the point where your kid could think that a magical creature slipping money under his pillow is anti-climactic? ;-)

Lone Star Ma said...

Cool. The tooth fairy brings a gold Sacajawea dollar for each tooth here - cool, but not expensive.

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