Monday, September 29, 2008


I'm still a bit stunned by how perfectly the show went on Saturday. We had incredible weather, the best backyard in town, three amazing bands, and a huge turnout of rockin' parents and rompin' kids.

Two Way Radio, eight members strong, kicked off the show:

Garrison Starr who drove all the way from Nashville just for us played second. (These photos were taken prior to 30 kids rushing the stage to "help" her play a few songs!)

The Bluff City Backsliders finished the show. Mike Graber, who you probably know from Facebook, came up from Oxford to play.

Satchel and Jiro spent the entire afternoon running in a pack with all of their best buddies. In fact, they ran so fast that staff photographer, Chip, couldn't capture either one of them on film. (Well that and the fact that Chip was unaware of the zipline in the front yard. I learned about it when Jiro came running over to me with a face full of dirt from one of his many falls!)

I spent most of the afternoon manning the check-in table, which was conveniently located next to the "stage," but I missed getting to laze about on a blanket with Warren and my friends. (I plan to correct that at our November 1st show!) Maybe I'll see if my doppelganger, Katherine, would like to fill in for me?

Our friend Joe snapped this photo of us (with his fancy camera that makes Chip drool) to document our likeness. I think it is especially funny since I actually have a twin sister who looks nothing like me.

Anyways, there's one more Rock-n-Romp this year. Mark your calendars for November 1st! Bands and location to be announced soon.


Chip said...

Ok, that is pretty uncanny.

Hey, I did get ONE pic of Jiro!

cjaxon said...

LOL! Now that I will be "that stalkery girl that found our blogs" I will take pics next time, too. I try not to take too many pics of kids I don't know. Some parents get all freaked out.
Seriously close resemblance!!

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