Wednesday, April 06, 2011

World's Most Expensive Lip Balm

About ten years ago, Vanessa gave me a small container of healing salve that she made while living in California. When Satchel came along, I started using it for all of his rashes and scrapes and chaps and whatnot. At some point, Vanessa gave me a second, bigger container. I've used it on my lips for the most part, and a few other ailments, for several years. I finally ran out last week.

While Vanessa was here, she showed me how to make it.

First I had to gather the ingredients--a host of herbs I never heard of, beeswax, cocoa butter, tea tree oil, and pure grain alcohol. The PGA is used to extract the herbs. You mix them together and let them sit for two hours. Then you blend everything up with extra virgin olive oil, and strain through a cloth.


Next you put it over a fire and melt the beeswax and cocoa butter in. Once it's all melty, you pour it into containers. (We used baby food jars and a few others I found at Maggie's Pharm.)

When it cools, it looks like this, and is ready to rub all over your body.

Vanessa made it look really easy. I'm sure I would have goofed it on my own. The shopping was probably the hardest part.

I will say that with all the crazy kids running around, it took us three days to get it all done!

I now have a lifetime supply and am willing to share if anyone would like to try this magical salve.


Sassy Molassy said...

Me, me! I want some.

Stacey Greenberg said...

of course! due to overwhelming demand i am doing a second batch.

Cathy said...

Can I have the recipe? I'd love to try making some of my own.

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