Saturday morning, Warren was heading to Huntsville to meet the Wing Chun group there and I had to work until noon. Since I had scheduled an 8am playdate for the boys, I really did not want them to attend the lock-in. (The last one they went to, they all decided to stay up all night. I found Satchel asleep in the foyer at 8am with a half-eaten biscuit in his mouth. He had fallen asleep just moments before my arrival and when I tried to get him to leave, he walked outside and got in someone else's car.)
Satchel, who at age 9, can see the larger picture (most of the time) reluctantly agreed to my compromise. I told the boys that they could go to the lock-in after the Taekwondo and Christmas parties until 10:30pm. Jiro, who despite being 7, is still very Jiro-centric. He really really wanted to go to the lock in all night because it was going to be the first time he ever got to spend the night with his buddy, Jordan. I offered to set up a separate sleepover during the holidays but Jiro replied, "Jordon's mom doesn't like us."
What followed was an epic battle of the wills. I so wanted to just give Jiro his way, but I knew that I would regret it. I stuck to my guns, but he did not make it easy. He went to bed--at home--very, very mad at me.
(While they were at the lock-in, Warren and I did manage to squeeze in a drink at the Cove, a trip to the pet store, and dinner at Tsunami.)
In order to get him to not ruin our Saturday, Satchel negotiated a deal in which I agreed to let Jiro purchase three apps on his iPod. (We all share an iTunes account, so this deal also benefited Satchel.) It was a small price to pay for happiness, so I accepted the deal.
I dropped the boys off at Casa Provencio and then went to work. Carlos gave me updates, and I knew it was just a matter of time before they were all eating donuts.

Carlos reported that there had been a debate between Donald's and Dunkin, and that Jiro had lost the fight for Donald's. (Though Jiro claimed he would eat no donuts at Dunkin, word on the street is that he ate the most.)
When I finished with work, I rejoined the boys (all 5 of them) and did my best to get some real food in them at Whole Foods before rotting their brains (and mine) at the latest Chipmunk movie. Oh lordy was it bad. Worst of all, Dave's hair appears to be thinning!

You can see here that Jiro actually did refuse to eat anything at Whole Foods.
After the movie, we said goodbye to Team P and went home for a rest and to await Warren's return. Warren made us a nice dinner, which Jiro actually ate. (Not surprisingly it also improved his mood tenfold.) Then we went to our friend Launa's housewarming party. Launa's son, Grey, is one of the boys' most favorite people ever. They ate cookies and played Pokemon while the adults mixed and mingled.

Grey ended up coming home with us for a sleepover and by Sunday morning everyone was happy.
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