After the movie we ran some errands, including one to Game Stop, so already they had the best day ever. That evening was taekwondo testing and then basketball practice. Jiro was really nervous about testing, but he did great.
Satch did great too. He was too far away for me to video. In addition to their patterns, they also had to spar and break boards.
Basketball practice actually turned into a fun game of kickball just for the hell of it, which was really fun to watch.
Saturday morning, Warren went to Huntsville to see the Wing Chun Sifu, I did a 13.1 run, and then it was time for the boys' basketball games. Jiro was up first, and his team did great. It's been so nice watching them progress. Jiro's confidence waned for a bit, but he's back to feeling good and is great with the D.

I think Jiro may have even scored his second basket? We aren't supposed to keep score, and I've actually been better about doing that. I really just enjoy watching him play.
Satchel's game was also great. His team is on a real winning streak! Satch is getting better about going for the ball, but still can't wait to get rid of it once he gets it. But he's having a great time playing and that's all that matters.
Saturday night the kids had a friend come over, and in addition to playing Zelda, they turned the entire living room into a fort.

Once Warren got home, I headed to Hardy, Arkansas to hang out with my lady friends. (Just like I did a Camp Miramichee! Well a grown up version of it, anyway.)

Look at this cute house that Aimee's mom bought a few years ago!

She calls it "The Hardy." I want to go every weekend!

We never made it down to the river or anything since it was a short trip. We mostly just hung out, drank, and laughed ourselves silly. It was awesome.
Sunday, I got back just in time to take the family to the CPOP Thank You Jamboree at the Hi-Tone to celebrate the State Natural Area designation for the Old Forest. Woot!

We had lots of treehuggers show up, the Bluff City Backsliders played, there was free beer and half price pizza. What more could a girl ask for?
The boys needed another friend to come spend the night to make their lives complete, and we agreed.
Monday we slept in a little, which was nice. I let the boys play while I went swimming and cleaned my car. Then I treated them to donuts before forcing them to enjoy the outdoors for awhile. We went to the Woodland Discovery Playground in Shelby Farms Park. Seems like several hundred people had the same idea! The boys ran into a friend from school though and ended up not minding the crowds.
I somehow never managed to squeeze in any yard work, but there's always next weekend, right?
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