Vanessa is in town with the kids, so we all went trick or treating on Stonewall last night. Getting a good shot of all four kids proved impossible.

Miles is a spider web, Natasha is a leopard, Jiro is a "random guy with his face painted" and Satchel is the kid wearing the same scarecrow costume for the last four years only with an extra mask for when he doesn't want to look too scary. Yes, that is the less scary mask.

Satchel had a moment of "I'm too old to trick or treat." I felt like it was a total waste to be out and in costume and not trick or treating so we struck a deal. He would trick or treat and give me all of his candy in exchange for a large bag of nacho cheese Doritos. Win, win.
We had fun and saw lots of people we knew! We were thankful to have a safe and happy street to visit since our street is pretty non-paticipatory when it comes to Halloween. Thanks to the lovely families of Stonewall for all of the candy & hospitality. At one point Miles asked if it was okay to trick or treat for water! One woman was nice enough to answer his plea.
After trick or treating we went over to Cooper Young for a party at Stephen & Caitlin's as has become our tradition. They always cook up some yummy food don't care about the kids running wild. Warren eventually joined us and was dressed as a "stay at home dad." He had on his favoirte wig, bathrobe, and slippers. I somehow failed to get a picture! Stephen awarded him a giant bag of gummy bears for best costume.
We ended the night with Memphis Pizza Cafe and Beyblades at home.
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