The boys were actually excited, which is rare.
Satchel is actually in the Christmas spirit. Just look at his braces!

However once we parked and started walking in, I had to do a disclaimer. "Look, there will probably be mostly girls there, and you two will probably be the oldest kids, but don't worry about it."
I was totally right about the crowd, but thankfully the boys didn't care. As a bonus, we were seated next to one of my favorites, Katie Ratton, and her cute little girls.
The gingerbread houses come already constructed, so at the workshop we just decorated.

Our house was a little crunk, but we figured once it was covered in candy no one would notice. Or at least not care.
Each trio received a bag of candy and a tube of icing. It took us a few minutes to figure out the best way to work together. Satchel opted to decorate the roof, Jiro decided to work on the front, and I decided to take pictures and eat candy, offering my opinion or praise when needed.

The boys took the decorating very seriously. At times it even got a little tense!
After 45 minutes or so, we took a break for some hot chocolate and cookies.

Then the boys got their second wind, and went about decorating the "yard."

They literally couldn't stop adding to it! Our house was by no means the neatest or nicest, but I love how it turned out. And we had a really good time.

I'm so glad we went.
Upstairs there were lots of other crafts going on, and Mancontrol was set to play, but we'd had our fill of fun and decided to just head home.
Until we saw the Stick-em truck! Then of course the monkeys had time for a snack! While we waited, Santa came over to chat and take a photo. It's been forever since I got them with Santa! So cute!

Thanks to teh Brooks for a lovely afternoon!
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