Here's Warren dropping everyone off for Day 1.

Satchel was a counselor this year, and less than enthusiastic about it. ("None of my friends are doing it," he complained. "You need more friends," I replied. It is hard mothering an introvert! But that's a different post.)
I was a little worried about trying to cook for everyone on Monday, so we went to Huey's for dinner. Miles and Tasha LOVED it. I don't think they get to eat burgers on the reg.

Back at the apartment, Tasha and Jiro helped Miles learn his lines for an upcoming role in the Wizard of Oz.

The boys all had games and YouTube videos to watch, so I had to go old school keeping Tasha occupied.

Warren was in charge on Tuesday, and decided to introduce the kids to Jerry's Sno Cones.

Wednesday the kids finished their pet rocks. Most of them broke by the time we got them home, but they were cute while they lasted!

I decided to cook for everyone, and despite the apartment getting a teeny bit smoky, it was a total success.

As evidenced by the above photo, Satchel was siblinged out by Wednesday and started to retreat into screens. The others were much more social about it.

This is what Tasha looks like in the morning. I got pretty good at getting everyone up and fed and out the door in about thirty minutes.

By Thursday, Satchel was doing his best to get out of going to camp. We compromised--I let him stay with Warren while I kept the three younger kids.
I made dinner two nights in a row! I went with burgers again, and the kids told me they were better than Huey's! Ha! By Friday breakfast, Miles asked me why I didn't have my own restaurant!

The weekend was a little hectic, but we managed a group outing to Tamale Fest, the new playground at Overton Park and the Shell.

The kids clearly loved their new tees. I got them all to smile by saying, "Say Deez Nuts!" They were less compliant at the Shell.

Sunday's showcase was a major success. The three youngsters were in a band together called Firepit.

After two days of working on an original song, they scrapped it for a cover of "Smells Like Teen Spirit." Per usual, Jiro was on bass.

Tasha was on keys.

And Miles sang!

(All black & white photos by Chip!)
They did a great job, and their moms were super proud.

All in all, it was a great week. I'm looking forward to what the future summers bring for all of us.

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